Faith and Fear

It has been said many times that golf is a metaphor for life. If you are ever thinking of doing business with someone, invite them out for a round of golf. If you want a quick insight into a prospective golf club manager you are contemplating hiring; again, invite him or her out for a round of golf.

I am sure we have all been on the golf course with people who, when teeing off on a par-3 over water, always change the ball they are going to hit to a “water ball.” They have no faith that they will clear the water, and they fear they will lose the brand new Pro V1 they just purchased.

There is no end to the quotes you can find online that deal with “Faith” and “Fear.” Here are a few of them, and they are so simple, we should repeat them as a daily mantra: “You block your dreams when you allow fear to grow bigger than your faith;” “Feed your faith and your fear will starve. Feed your fear and your faith will starve.”

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I took up the bagpipes a few years ago. If you want a humbling experience and want to understand what your new students learning golf are feeling, try learning the bagpipes. I know, I know, there is the old joke that goes, golf is a game invented by the people who think music comes out of bagpipes. Blame it all on the Scots!

One great thing about the Scots is that they are fierce fighters. One bad thing is that if they do not have a common enemy to fight, they fight amongst themselves. Such is the current drama within our pipe band. The pipe major is in charge of the music and the musicality of the band. Our current pipe major believes he was anointed rather than elected, and that he will determine not only the music of the band, but also all of the other activities. He is in constant fear that he is not being supported by the band members, but wants to control everyone and everything. The band members have no faith that he will change and fear that the band will never get back to the important task of having fun.

Is this happening where you teach? Where you work? Did you know that visitors to your golf facility can pick up very quickly on the general attitude of the employees and whether they are enjoying what they do? Can you imagine where the USGTF would be today if the founder and the initial folks that he brought into the vision let their fears take over their faith? Mahatma Gandhi said, “As faith is strengthened you will find there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will and that you will flow with them to your great delight and benefit.”

Never fear having fun with your students; it’s a huge part of the game! Stick with the fun- seekers!

Author: admin

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